1. Database
    • MySQL
      • MySQ: Install (In progress)
      • MySQL: Stored Procedures INOUT
      • SQL: MySQL Commit
      • MySQL Window Functions
      • MySQL upgrades: Gotchas and scaling. (In progress)
      • MySql Replication Setup: a complicated setup.
      • Mariadb engines : MyRocks, BlackHole, Innodb, Aria, archive csv, merge, MyISAM, Federated, Spider, galera, connect
      • MySQL Backups and Restore: MySQLDump, mysqldump, xtrabackup, binary, snaphots via LVM or KVM, mariabackup (In Progress)
      • MySQL Optimizing queries
      • Analyzing queries and slow log
      • MySQL Sharding
      • MySQL Failovers
      • MySQL HA
      • MySQL Encryption: At rest, encrypted tables, communication, Authentication ,Authorization, and Backups.
      • Convert to GTID
      • MySQL, MariaDB, and Aurora administration.
      • Percona Toolkit: Most common uses
      • MySQL, EC2 MySQL, AWS MySQL, AWS Aurora
      • Different Versions on MySQL
      • MySQL Sharding: Fabrix, ProxySQL, MaxScale, ProxySQL, software sharding
      • MySQL Failover: Pacemaker, MHA, and others
      • MySQL Cache: Redis, memcache, Mongo, ElasticCahe (redis), and Couchbase, also internal caching.
      • MySQL Load balabncers: hardware, ProxySQL, MaxScale. SQLProxy
      • MySQL monitoring : Nagios, PMM AWS, and graphing solutions.
      • MySQL Montioring and Management: Manuel Setup, Solar Winds, Relic, AWS
      • Percona Tools: Most commonly used and gotchas.
      • MySQL Replication Scenarios
      • MySQL: Variables and Configuration
    • AWS
      • AWS:List EC2
      • AWS automation: Ansible, Service Catalog, Formation, Clouadwatch
      • AWS: HA and FO: RDS, load balance, proxy, others
      • Monitoring: PMM, percona monitoring
      • AWS: lamba, CloudWatch, Performance Insights
      • AWS: DocumentDB
      • AWS: RedShift
      • RDS
    • Cassandra
    • Galera
      • Galera Setup : A single galera cluster.
      • Galera GEO installations
      • MySQL Galera: Setup, Cluster to Cluster, Cluster to MySQL, Scalability
    • PostgreSQL
      • Postgresql : Installtion, Replication, and Administration
      • PostrgreSQL : Stored Procedures, triggers, Window Functions, etc
    • Spark
      • Spark: data processing and PySpark.
    • Snowflake
    • Couchbase Installation and Use
    • SkySQL scalability.
  2. Monitoring
  3. Automation
  4. Virtual environments
    • Docker
      • Docker Install
      • Docker Library
      • Docker: Install sysrtem to run services (required mounted directories -- in windoze we are mounting directories from a remote linux --- must be the same version of Linux in Docker\)
    • KVM: install and use (in progress, but installed)
  5. Linux
  6. Source Control
  7. Mongo
  8. Free services (always, temporary, free trials, or very cheap)
  9. Interview questions (Always being updated)
  10. Linux misc
  11. Messaging: Redis, Kafka, Mongo, etc.
  12. Interview questions (Always being up\ dated)