SQL: MySQL commit

by Mark Nielsen
Copyright August 2021

The purpose of this document is to show to commit data (schema or data) in production environment for one MySQL server. Each company has its own procedure. We will cover generic procedures.
  1. No Links
  2. General Procedure
  3. The MySQL setup.
  4. Commit Techniques
  5. The steps

No Links

No links, this article is stuff I have used in production before.

General steps.

These are high level steps. We aren't going to go into details with each one.
  1. There is a written procedure and policy for data or schema changes to databases.
  2. Ticket changes in the system capture all below.
  3. DEV: Development proposes changes that work.
  4. QA tests the changes
  5. A 2nd pair of eyes approves the changes from a technical point of view.
  6. A manager or business or other person accepts the changes.
  7. Changes have to be scheduled and approved. All dangers and backup plans must be presented.
  8. Follow procedures to execute changes in prod.
  9. Make sure all changes are recorded.
  10. Post error logs to ticket and report in ticket the outcome.
  11. If successful, close ticket.
  12. If not, follow procedures or rollback based on policy.
  13. Database changes and application software upgrade should happen on different days if possible, and not on Fridays or weekends if possible.


Save to a file "my_stuff.sql".
  create database if not exists temp;
  use temp;
  drop database if exists MY_STUPID_DATABASE;
  create database if not exists MY_STUPID_DATABASE;
  create table if not exists people (id int,  name varchar(64));
  create table if not exists charges (id int, people_id int, amount int);
  insert into people values (1, 'mark'), (2, 'john'), (3, 'you');
  insert into charges (people_id, amount) values (1, 10), (2,10), (1, 3), (1, 4), (2,5);

  select count(1) from people;
  select count(1) from charges;  
  create user mark@localhost;
  ALTER USER mark@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'mark';
  grant all privileges on *.* to mark@localhost;

  show grants for mark@localhost;

Start mysql as: mysql -u root -p
or if not password : mysql -u root

Execute the commands:

	source my_stuff.sql

Commit techniques

Source sql file

You can do it one of two ways: You must be careful with either solution. Lets assume all the commands work. Should log all commands. In general Doing it this way, you need to be careful of:
  1. Any schema changes. They can commit changes and also cause locks.
  2. Data or schema changes may lock queries.
  3. Data or schema changes can use of diskspace.
  4. It might be wise to break up sql files to commit to data and schema separately and to do a different sql file for each ticket.

Online DDL Operations

Some schema changes can be made without locking, without creating a new table, and does not block queries. Different versions of MySQL allow different DDL operations without hassle. However, the operations my slow down the system. Online DDL Operations is used a lot and very beneficial and can be combined with the sql change files.

Percona online schema changes

This technique can be used for almost all schema changes. There are some exceptions, like if triggers exist. Also, some versions make only work with some versions of MySQL.

This is used a lot and be used with sql change files.

Sample Steps

We will do the following:
  1. Create a new table.
  2. Add data in a commit block.
  3. Use online schema change to change table.
  4. Lock a table with a schema change.
  5. Use pt-schema-change to all auto increment and indexes.

Save to a file called: "my_stuff2.sql"

    tee error2.log
    use database MY_STUPID_DATABASE ### Yes I did use a second time.;
    select now(), @@hostname, USER();

    create table if not exists BLAH (i int);
    alter table BLAH add column i2 int;
    ALTER TABLE charges ADD COLUMN ignore_me1 int, ALGORITHM=INSTANT; 
    ALTER TABLE charges ADD COLUMN ignore_me2 int;

    insert into charges (people_id, amount) values (1,1), (2,2), (1,3), (2,4);

    alter table people CHANGE id id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY;
    alter table charges CHANGE id id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY;
    show create table charges;
    select count(1) from charges;
    show tables;

Start mysql: In mysql shell: mysql -v -v -v -u mark -pmark MY_STUPID_DATABASE

Execute commands in mysql:

    source my_stuff2.sql

Look at error log with linux command: grep -vi err error2.log

Save to a file called "stuff.bash ".

    set PTDEBUG =1;
    pt-online-schema-change --dry-run --alter "ADD COLUMN ignore_me_pt1 INT" D=MY_STUPID_DATABASE,t=charges  -u mark -pmark;

    pt-online-schema-change --dry-run --alter "ADD index name (name)" D=MY_STUPID_DATABASE,t=people -u mark -pmark;
    pt-online-schema-change --dry-run --alter "ADD index id_amount (id, amount)" D=MY_STUPID_DATABASE,t=charges -u mark -pmark;

    # you should really check the dry runs and then do the commits. 

    pt-online-schema-change --execute --alter "ADD COLUMN ignore_me_pt1 INT" D=MY_STUPID_DATABASE,t=charges  -u mark -pmark;

    pt-online-schema-change --execute --alter "ADD index name (name)" D=MY_STUPID_DATABASE,t=people -u mark -pmark;
    pt-online-schema-change --execute --alter "ADD index id_amount (id, amount)" D=MY_STUPID_DATABASE,t=charges -u mark -pmark;
    mysql -v -v -v -u mark -pmark MY_STUPID_DATABASE -e "show create table people;"
    mysql -v -v -v -u mark -pmark MY_STUPID_DATABASE -e "show create table charges;"

Execute file as: " bash stuff.bash > stuff.log 2>&1 "
Look at error file: "more stuff.log"