Forgive any typos MySQL: stored procedure, in and out variables. AWS: check instances script. On Library, docker in docker, and docker in Linux. Commands to create image in Windows and Linux --- the mount points will be different. Docker with environments are all below. MySQL and MariaDB Spark, mongo, Kakfa, Cassandra, Redis MySQL with Slaves, MHA, haproxy, sql proxy, and other HA, FO, or scalable solutions. MySQL or MariaDB with NDB, galeria spark, pyspark, kakfa, solar winds, skysql, mysql (stored procedures, HA and FO, tuning, Slow Queries, variables , Xtrabackup, ProxySQL, MySQL Orchestrator, mongo 4.4 (with various topics, aggregatged pipline sharding, etc. ) Database dashboard. git AWS : Lamda, Clouffront, Ec2, S3, Document DD, diferent Auraos setups (pros and cons), Elastic Cache and setup with MySQL, Kenesis, Elastoc bean stalk, CLI and Python API, kafka, redshift, monitoring and alarms, Glue Cassandra and versus Mongo ETL process --- General processe (raw data, processed data, data to SQL or warehouse) -- mysql, spark and mongo Monitoring: solar winds, MMS, Mongo (and tools), Meanstack (MongoDB, Express, Angular, and Node) VM: virtualbox, docker, KVM, cygwin (kinda of) DevOPS: normal and AWS SRE: normal and AWS Vendors: Percona, Snowflake, AWS, Solar Winds, SkySQL, databricks Vendor Certification for each, and how to. --------------------- Database snowflake MySQL MongoDB Casandra Spark Monitoring and Graphing solar winds Zabbix Nagios Grafana/Graphite DataDog PMM Mariadb Docker etup notes and install cluster and master-slave locally on different ports Innodb Cluster rep and gtid plus ons slave commit MySQL percona vs oracle vs mariadb, db ratings, couchbase mysql upgrade to percona, mariadb, tar and rpm audit modules, information schema, performance schema Security and Accounts: ssl connection, easiest authentication and authorization and manging passwords, and stuff etc. schema and datga changes in prod, with inline, psc, and separate days database and software push. HA and Failover and Replication and Backups and Recovery Types of replication, clustering, backups, recovery, sharding Scale up horizontal and vertical, and read scaling and write scaling haproxy MHA Innodb CLuster NDB cluster Keep Alive and vip Cloud SkySQL versus other cloud, aws, azure, gcp Tools: Lamda, Dass, SaaS, Load balancing, cache, etc. different DaaS, SaaS Monitoring and graphing AWS Insight and extended insight Certifications MySQL, Mongo, Spark, etc Python and other languages Linux Windoze AWS, GCP, and maybe Azure Creating your own website AWS etup DNS setup Google setup Software setup kcomposer and ispell. [s[ad and download spell chjcker, notepad++ docker : more articles, Kubernetes, etc. Techniques and Procedures Failover, HA, etc. Saving sql work in prod. mkdir TICKETS/ mysql -v-v tee logfile use select now(), hostname; source FILE.sql ALso, source file must be approved with exact commands. Must not be copied by windows to Linux. Dev to SQ to Staging to Prod Automation and related Anisble, Salt, Chef, Puppet, and cloud Kerburnetes GIT