KVM Install and Use

by Mark Nielsen
Copyright 2022

For most of this document I will be just doing the steps. Refer to the links for detail.
  1. Links
  2. Setup and Install
  3. Configure KVM and web interface
  4. Adding an Linux images
  5. Making a server
  6. Snapshotting a server
  7. Other stuff


Setup and Install

So I have docker installed on Windows. It it not ideal. I suspect certain things I want to di like running service in a docker installation requires mounting reead only partition. I can probably do this through NFS, but I prefer to be able to mount those directories. There are other reasons why Docker on Linux seems to be easier to manage.

Also, I suspect I want to use KVM installations because Docker isn't designed to be a real operating system, but meant to run specific programs.

I want to run the GUI programs, so I need to run XWindows on the laptop and have it go through ssh and appear on Windoze. Follow the steps in the first link under Links. I opted for less security. I just run vncserver on Linux and used a vnc client on windows.

On Linux

On Windoze:

Here is the pre-setup

On Linux running through VNC

Configure KVM and web interface