by Mark Nielsen
Copyright Jan 2022
MySQL Upgrade and Migration
This is to help with MySQL Upgrades on a single box and to migrate it another another l
location. For example, you want to upgrade and migrate your data to an AWS EC2 instance
which will later be needed to migrate to Aurora. Or you are getting better servers and
you want to migrate the data and you might as well upgrade it.
- Links
- Questions and concerns
- Good practices when upgrading
- Different techniques to use
- Common solutions
Upgrade concerns
- The upgrade path may be long if upgrading a very old version to new version.
- Character sets may change: datetime, timestp, UTF etc. Check notes.
- Some upgrades required a table check and rebuild. Once done, take a backup of it
and restore for other slaves or master, etc.
- Replication usually only works from previous version. Replications settings
may also have changed. Do not replicate from newer version to older version ever.
- Config, query words, etc may have changed or been depreciated.
- Other things may have changed, like passwords, authentication, SQL strict mode.
- Query plans mys have changes, or queries on the new version may behave differently.
- Queries may return different results.