DPT install : CLI and Adapters
by Mark Nielsen
Copyright Jan 2022
Just basic DPT for ELT processing. We assume mysql are both installed.
- Links
- PostgreSQL
- First Project
- Setup CLI environment
- Snowflake
- https://docs.getdbt.com/docs/introduction
- https://docs.getdbt.com/docs/core/installation
- https://docs.getdbt.com/docs/supported-data-platforms
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rNquRnNb4E&list=PLy4OcwImJzBLJzLYxpxaPUmCWp8j1esvT
- https://docs.getdbt.com/docs/core/connect-data-platform/mysql-setup
- https://docs.getdbt.com/docs/core/connect-data-platform/postgres-setup
- https://www.getdbt.com/blog/write-better-sql-a-defense-of-group-by-1
- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLy4OcwImJzBLJzLYxpxaPUmCWp8j1esvT
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rNquRnNb4E&list=PLy4OcwImJzBLJzLYxpxaPUmCWp8j1esvT
- https://docs.snowflake.com/en/release-notes/2023/7_22#sql-updates
- https://docs.getdbt.com/reference/dbt-commands
Setup dpt and postgresql
# you might need to execute this
mkdir dbt
cd dbt
apt install python3.10-venv
python3 -m venv dbt-env
source dbt-env/bin/activate
echo "alias env_dbt='source ~/dbt/dbt-env/bin/activate'" >> ~/.bashrc
pip install dbt-postgres
## had some errors, saw a post to do this, the uninstalls did nothing
pip uninstall black
pip uninstall click
pip install black
pip install click
# This worked
dbt --version
# login as root
sudo bash
# Setup postgresql account
echo "CREATE USER mark WITH PASSWORD 'mark';" | sudo -iu postgres psql
echo " ALTER USER postgres PASSWORD 'mark'" | sudo -iu postgres psql
echo " create database mark;" | sudo -iu postgres psql
echo " ALTER DATABASE mark OWNER TO mark" | sudo -iu postgres psql
echo " create database mark_dev;" | sudo -iu postgres psql
echo " ALTER DATABASE mark_dev OWNER TO mark" | sudo -iu postgres psql
echo " create database mark_prod;" | sudo -iu postgres psql
echo " ALTER DATABASE mark_prod OWNER TO mark" | sudo -iu postgres psql
# log out of root
# This is very bad for security, just for this article. Do not do this on a prod system.
export PGPASSWORD=mark
echo 'export PGPASSWORD=mark' > ~/.bashrc
psql -U mark -h -c "create table test1 (i int);"
mkdir ~/.dpt
cd ~/
Setup in config file for postgresql. Run dbt init and edit file.
- Download https://github.com/dbt-labs/dbt-starter-project
> or https://github.com/dbt-labs/dbt-starter-project/archive/refs/heads/main.zip
wget https://github.com/dbt-labs/dbt-starter-project/archive/refs/heads/main.zip
unzip main.zip
mv dbt-starter-project-main ~/dbt/dbt_test1
cd ~/
- Run dbt init and edit file.
Execute: dbt init
- name : dbt_test1
This will make a directory called "db1_test1", but since it already exists, it will just use it.
- database : postgres
- Now edit ~/.dbt/profiles and make changes
type: postgres
threads: 1
port: 5432
user: mark
pass: mark
dbname: mark_dev
schema: public
type: postgres
threads: 1
port: 5432
user: mark
pass: mark
dbname: mark_prod
schema: public
target: dev
- Edit ~/dbt/dbt_test1/dbt_project.yml
Change : profile: 'default'
to : profile: 'dbt_test1'
And change
- Change to working directory, it will search for dbt_project.yml
cd ~/dbt/dbt_test1
- Execute, and there should be no errors: dbt debug
- Lastly, add DBT_PROJECT_DIR=~/dbt/dbt_test1 to your .bashrc file. No matter what directory you are in it will find the file after you log in.
echo "export DBT_PROJECT_DIR=~/dbt/dbt_test1" >> ~/.bashrc
- also : export DBT_PROJECT_DIR=~/dbt/dbt_test1 to your current session.
export DBT_PROJECT_DIR=~/dbt/dbt_test1
The project is already setup called "dbt_test1". This is finished.
- git is ignored for now
- The connection string to postgresql should be working.
- ~/.dpt/profiles.yml
- ~/.dpt/dpt_project.yml
- ~/dbt/dbt_test1 directory
We will be following the stuff on this url : https://discourse.getdbt.com/t/how-we-set-up-our-computers-for-working-on-dbt-projects/243
- Snowflake
- Get a 30 day trial snowflake account.
Sign in or sign up for a 30 day trial : https://app.snowflake.com/
- Log into your snowflake environment. In new, I suggest the tutorials.
- Click on "Data"
- Click on "+ Database" in the upper right hand corner.
Enter in "dpt_test" for the database.
- Click on "dpt_test"
- Click on "+ schema".
Enter test_schema
- Create a user.
Click on Admin, then User & Roles, then "+ user"
Enter in dpt_user, give it a password
Give a role by clicking on "Grant role" in the lower left-hand corner.
Select "AccountAdmin" role
- Linux