MySQL 8.0 things to know

by Mark Nielsen
Copyright July 2023

  • Links
  • How to find slow queries
  • Indexes
  • Roles
  • 2nd MySQL Instance
  • GTID restore
  • Partitions
  • General Notes 1

    • There are different types of indexes in the Innodb Engine. (PRIMARY KEY, UNIQUE, INDEX, and FULLTEXT) are stored in B-trees, spatial data types use R-trees, MEMORY tables also support hash indexes, hash indexes.
    • Of these, they can be unique, primary key (unique and not null), simple, full-text, desceding, invisible, and mutiple columns.
    • Foreign keys should have columns in the foreign table indexes. Preferably queries will return one row when accessing foreign tables.

    • Roles are created and then multiple accounts can be giving the role. Change the grants of the role, every account is affected.
    • Roles cannot be renamed, drop and recreate.
    • Roles are stored in the same grant tables as accounts.
    • Roles can be password protected.
    • An account can have multiple roles and can change them with "SET ROLE".


    • Login as root in mysql.
    • Download this file roles_step1.txt and do "source step1.txt" in mysql.
    • Execute in linux shell this file roles_test.txt as "bash roles_test.txt"
      Of course it fails for all, becuase we forgot to set the default role.
    • Download this file roles_fix.txt and in mysql so "source roles_fix.txt" .
    • Then in Linux shell, execute "bash roles_test.txt" again and it should be fine.

    2nd MySQL instance
    • Make sure MySQL 8.0 is already installed.

    GTID restore

    TODO: This needs to be tested. On a Slave in normal MySQL replication (or in a cluster), the GTID may be messed up. You may have to reset it. On the slave, the gitd_executed must be greater than gtid_purged on the master. If that is the case, reset the slave to to its gtid_excuted and gtid_purged of the thread you want.

    • On the master, execute "SHOW VARIABLES WHERE Variable_name in ('gtid_executed', 'gtid_purged');"
    • On the slave, same thing "SHOW VARIABLES WHERE Variable_name in ('gtid_executed', 'gtid_purged');"
    • Now you can do one of two things, erase replication on slave and reset it to 0 or set it the the point it left off. First execute "reset master" to erase the gtid positions. This is different than "reset slave".
      • NOTE: Test this first option. Reset to 0 and it should figure it out, as
        SET GLOBAL gtid_executed='0';
        SET GLOBAL gtid_purged = '< set to the previous value on slave';
      • or reset the 'gtid_executed', 'gtid_purged' as
        SET GLOBAL gtid_purged="previous value or value to set as"
        SET GLOBAL gtid_purged="previous value"
    • Then do "start slave".

    General Notes 1
    • Persistent Optimizer Statistics

      • optimizer stats are saved across restarts

      • Execution plans based on transient index statistics improve precision when innodb_stats_persistent_sample_pages is increased.

    • Virtual columns and functional indexes

    • Performance

      • Performance for non-critical data

        • turn offdoubewrite

        • trx = 2

        • disabled logbin

        • sync_binlog=0, doesn't matter if turned off

        • increase buff_pool if free pages are low

      • Innodb_buffer_pool size to 1 GB each???? --- Verify

    • Tmp space

      • Most things temporary are created in variable “tmpdir”

      • innodb uses a temporary tablespace separate

    • MySQL Enterprise

      • firewall

        • firewall_access_denied : statement rejected

        • firewall_access_granted : statements accepted

        • firewall_access_suspicious : statement suspicious in detecting mode

        • firewall_cached_entries : cached statements

      • TDE

        • encryption commands

          • ALTER TABLE t1 ENCRYPTION = 'Y';

          • ALTER TABLESPACE mysql ENCRYPTION = 'Y'; For new tables default

        • encryption occurs on disk

        • All network traffic is unencrypted.

      • MySQLbackup

      • Options

        • --only-known-file-types : only built-in engines are backed up

          • .ARM: ARCHIVE table metadata .

          • ARZ: ARCHIVE table data .

          • CSM: CSV table metadata

          • .CSV: CSV table data

          • .ibd: InnoDB tablespace created using the file-per-table mode .

          • MRG: Merge storage engine references to other tables .

          • MYD: MyISAM data .

          • MYI: MyISAM indexes

        • --backimage – backup is a single file

        • --backup-dir – status and metadata

        • order of backup : data, archive files, redo logs

        • --optimistic-busy-tables

          • first phase, tables not chaingare backedup, not the redo and undo logs

          • normal backup, data, archive, and redo

    • Audit

      • audit_log=FORCE_LOG_PERMANENT

        • prevents it from being unloaded

    • Replication

      • slave_parallel_type=DATABASE can result in cross database inconsistency. Use LOGICAL

      • slave_preserve_commit_order=1 is good. Otherwise, queries can be committed out of order with multiple slave threads.

      • Threads

        • io thread requests command from master bad puts it into relay logs

        • sql executes from relay logs and saves to binary

      • slaves seconds behind is calculated on last timestamp received from Master, and last timestamp of last query performed in SQL thread.

    • Proxy : Grant users to masquerade as another user.

      • When defined as proxy, ignore your permissions, you adopt the other account.


        • user is the account that is logged in

        • current_user is the proxy user

    • Clusterset

    • Accounts

      • Which two MySQL Server accounts are locked by default?

        • Internal accounts

        • user set as DEFINER for stored procedures

    • Backups

      • mysqlbackup with copy-backup option will backup files, when restored will move files to there correct destination. Mysql must be off. copy-back is used on the restore.

      • MysqlDump

        • Issues Fluises with read lock

          • With –single-transction, release log after getting binlog position.

          • Does not include performance_schema, sys, or information_schema

      • mysqlpump will not backup performance_schema, information_schema, sys, or ndbinfo unless specified or wildcarded

      • mysqldump won't dump them

    • Explain and explain analyze

      • Explain describes how data is accessed with tables an joins. If indexes are used, no of rows returned, etc.

      • explain analyze describes what is happening in the query and why. It is a profiling tool.

        • For more info:

    • Server

    • Client

      • Locations for passwordless login

        • $HOME/.my.cnf file -- put username password under [mysql]

        • $HOME/.mylogin.cnf file -- mysql_config_editor

        • /etc/my.cnf file -- global, dangerous

    • Connection options

    • Locks

      • S, shared, it can be read

      • X, exclusive, can't be read

    • Admin

      • Dsiable an account

        • ALTER USER baduser@hostname IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_no_login

        • ALTER USER 'user_name'@'host' ACCOUNT LOCK;

        • Or change the password to something you can't guess.

        • Or rename the account.

      • To persist variables, use SET PERSIST to set global variables.

      • innodb_fast_shutdown=0.

        • Most files are not needed, mysql.ibd and ibdata1 are. Ibtomp1, ib_buffer_pool, ib_logfile0, and undo are not needed Its a complete shutdown with data committed.

      • To enable by default secure password, default_authentication_plugin=sha256_password

    • GTID

      • You fix it

        • Make sure the executed gtid is AFTER the gtid purged on master. Look at gitd_purged and gtid_executed on both.

        • First reset slave on slave.

        • Changed git_executed on slave to 0 or to a value.

        • Start slave

      • To convert normal replication to gtid

        • Restart MySQL (master and slave) with these options enabled:--gtid_mode=ON –log-bin –log-slave-updates –enforce-gtid-consistency

        • On the slave, alter the MySQL master connection setting with:


    • Security

      • In the mysql client, set –ssl-mode to REQUIRED

      • Stored procedure ca prevent sql injection.

    • Clusterset

      • The MySQL router initiates by connecting to a node and configuring itself to use all nodes, potentially.

    • Query

      • Inside a transaction, if permission is denied, you don't have to abort the transaction. Get the right permissions and try again.

      • If you have a role defined but you have not activated it, you will not have the roles permissions. You can default to all roles on login or a specific one.

      • Hash join have to fit in join_buffer_size

    • Utilities

      • mysqlbinlog

        • To view binlog mysqlbinlog [options] log_file

          • ex: mysqlbinlog --base64-output=DECODE-ROWS --verbose /var/lib/mysql/binlog.000001

        • To get all binlogs:

          • mysqlbinlog --base64-output=DECODE-ROWS --verbose /var/lib/mysql/binlog.* > /tmp/all.sql

        • In various tests, replacing all commands from on database to another is done wrong.

          • INCORRRECT: mysqlbinlog --raw | sed ‘s/mydb1/mydb2/g’ | mysql

          • BETTER : mysqlbinlog --base64-output=DECODE-ROWS --verbose /var/lib/mysql/binlog.* | sed “s/^use 'mydb1'/use 'mydb2'/i” > all.sql

          • Now examine all.sql.

          • and then : mysqlbinlog –datebase=mydb2 | grep mysql

          • NOTE test this first. And compare databases on a test server before doing in production.

        • Mysqlpump

          • mysqlpump --exclude-databases=% --users

            • Dumps account information, in form of create user and grants.

        • Mysqlbinlog

          • for recovery, use stop-position instead of stop date. You may miss queries with stop date.

      • Audit

        • commercial in mysql but free in percona mysql

        • To install mysql < audit_log_filter_linux_install.sql or do whats in the script.

      • Roles

        • When a user has a grant option to grant or revoke roles to other users, the user can grant ONLY the role, not the individual permissions The role has the permissions.

        • TODO: role with password

        • You can

          • drop it

          • lock it so accounts can't use that role

          • be granted to accounts

        • List : SELECT user AS role_name From mysql.user WHERE host = '%' AND NOT LENGTH(authentication_string);

        • A role can be set to mandatory, which affects all users.

          • SET PERSIST mandatory_roles = 'role1,role2@localhost,'

      • Data Dictionary

        • Holds

          • table, view, and stored procedure definitions

          • server configuration rollback

          • triggers

          • users, user groups, privs, roles?

          • Physical partitions, files, backups

          • size of tables, indexes, and no of rows

      • Inoodb

        • innodb_directories --- TODO

        • use mysql_config_editor to make user/password login automatic It is questionable how secure it is.

        • What in the innodb tablespace?

          • Tables

          • indexes

          • undo : temporary is global, tablespace in files if one file per table

          • What is not

            • doublewrite 8.0.20, in files

            • redo – 8.0.30., in files, used to be ib_logfile0 and 1

            • change buffer- memory

            • double write duffer – 8.0.20 –-double write files

        • truncate now drops and remakes the table, so one file per table and truncate will free up diskspace.

      • SDI Serialized Dictionary Information

        • Meatdata is stored in serialized json form and is stored in tablespaces.

      • Clusterset

        • In the even of a group replication failure.

          • The cluster will shut down to preserve data consistency.

          • The cluster has built-in high availability and updates group_replication_ip_whitelist to remove the unreachable nodes.

      • Sys database

        • data collected by performance schema is summarized here

        • stored procedures to generate reports from performance schema

        • TODO: examples on using sys

      • Performance schema

        • TODO: show examples of performance schema

      • Indexes

        • show indexes

          • show indexes command

          • show create table

          • information_schema.statistics

      • Importing tables

      • MySIAM

        • Copy MYD, MYI, and SDI tables

        • use IMPORT TABLE command

      • Innodb

        • on the destination, create an empty table of same name

        • FLUSH TABLES t1 FOR EXPORT; on server

        • Copy ibd and cfg file of table to destination

        • import table, ALTER TABLE t1 IMPORT TABLESPACE;

      • Engines

        • transactional : NBD, InnoDB

        • non : ARCHIVE, MYISAM, blckhole, memory

          • blackhole doesn't store anything

      • MySQL database