AWS List EC2
by Mark Nielsen
Copyright Nov 2021
I wanted to make a scripts to view all the EC2 instances I had. You cane also
use the CLI, but I made a python2 script years ago. This is a good example to start
with to program with the API.
- Boto3 installed in python2 libraries
- Python2 installed in linux. This should be upgraded to python2.
- AWS credential files need to be installed.
- The pem file needs to be installed.
List EC2
import re, sys, os, time
import argparse
import boto3
./ -c
# With no options, lists out ec2 with status an info
Command : start stop reboot
Instance Name: The name you give to the ec2 server.
You need to setup the aws files in ~/.aws with the key file for ssh, the
default.pem file in ~/aws.
pem_directory = "~/aws"
pem_file = "default.pem"
# Parse command libne arguments.
# Must have 0 or 2 arguments.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Process args.')
parser.add_argument('Command', nargs='?', default='')
parser.add_argument('Name', nargs='?', default='')
args = parser.parse_args()
# Get all the instances and record info.
ec2 = boto3.resource('ec2')
re_ = re.compile('^_')
all_info = {}
info = {}
instances = []
all_instances = {}
for inst in ec2.instances.all():
# For each instance, start, stop, restart, or nothing.
# Save the values fpr printing later.
# If an action is taking, reget into for it.
for inst in instances:
vars = [i for i in dir(inst) if not and hasattr(inst,i) ]
name = None
for tag in getattr(inst ,'tags'):
if tag.has_key(u'Key') and tag.has_key(u'Value') and tag[u'Key'] == 'Name':
name = tag[u'Value']
# print "My name is:", name
all_instances[name] = inst
state = ""
temp = getattr(inst ,'state')
if temp.has_key(u'Name') and temp.has_key(u'Code'):
state = temp[u'Name'] + " " + str(temp[u'Code'])
ip = getattr(inst ,'public_ip_address')
instance = getattr(inst ,'instance_id')
image = getattr(inst ,'image_id')
instance_type = getattr(inst ,'instance_type')
dns = getattr(inst ,'public_dns_name')
v = [name, state, instance, instance_type, image,dns,ip ]
info[name]= v
all_info[name] = {}
for v in vars:
g = getattr(inst ,v)
# Check if command and instance is valid.
i_names = info.keys()
if args.Command is None or args.Command == '': pass
elif args.Command not in ['start', 'stop','reboot', 'update', 'upgrade']:
print "Command ignored, ", args.Command, ",should be one of ", ['start', 'stop','reboot', 'update', 'upgrade']
elif args.Name not in i_names:
print "Instance, " , args.Name, " not in ", i_names
# Do one of the commands.
# You should have configured ssh with the right pem located at default directory and
# and set the right username in ssh config.
host = all_info[args.Name]['public_dns_name']
ssh_command = "ssh -i " + pem_directory + "/" + pem_file + " " + host
if args.Command in ["stop", "start", "reboot"] and args.Name in i_names:
if args.Command == "start": all_instances[args.Name].start(); print "Starting:", args.Name
if args.Command == "stop": all_instances[args.Name].stop(); print "Stopping:", args.Name
if args.Command == "reboot": all_instances[args.Name].reboot(); print "Rebooting:", args.Name
except Exception,e:
print "ERROR: command failed:", sys.exc_info()[0]
print " ", e
print "Check in 15 seconds and get the status again."
not_needed = """
# Reset this instance.
instance_id = all_info[args.Name]['instance_id']
inst = ec2.Instance(instance_id)
all_info[args.Name][1] = getattr(inst ,'state')
all_info[args.Name] = {}
vars = [i for i in dir(inst) if not and hasattr(inst,i) ]
for v in vars:
g = getattr(inst ,v)
all_instances[args.Name] = inst
i_keys = info.keys()
for i in i_keys:
print i, info[i]