Percona Tools

by Mark Nielsen
Copyright 2022

  1. Links
  2. Percona PMM for Mongodb
  3. Our shard
  4. Percona Backups
  5. Percona Toolkit


Percona PMM

We will run PMM against our shard.

Our shard

This is just a copycat of a previous article.

Percona Backups

This is a highly desired backup soluton for replica sets or shards to take a consistent snapshot. Its made aas easy as possible. With our sharded environment we shall take a backup and then restore it.

Percona ToolKit

There are only two toosl I see, and one of them I use. Although there may be other tools, and I have written them before, pt-mongodb-query-digest is a highly valueable tool. Summary is nice also.


At the time of this writing, digest does not support ssl. That seems to be on schedule for a feature.

We will create two scenarios where we lock tables and we create horrible queries. To do the horrible queries we will have to put some data in a few tables. To make it horrible we will not use indexes.


A useful. We will generate a sample output of our sharded environment.