by Mark Nielsen
copyright @2021
Follow the documentation to install Docker for your operating system. It is assumed you get get it installed.
You want to start using Docker’s starting webpages:
In the DOS prompt:
docker run -d -p 80:80 docker/getting-started
This will download an image and run a container off of the image.
After it is running in the your browsers go to or http://localhost
The container is running on port 80 the default web port on your computer.
If installing on Windows
And of course being windoze you have to reboot. How annoying.
I manged not to reboot somehow in windows.
If you are using windows, commands are issued in the DOS prompt and not the GUI in this document.
Now you want to stop the getting started image and use your own.
Make sure you are signed into Docker.
DOS commands:
docker pull ubuntu
This downloads an a very basic ubuntu image. We will be installing lots of packages afterwards. This image will be used to make are first container
Make a container and connect to it
Download lots of packages
Make an Image
Make a permanent container of your image for your development environment.
Note: If done in a professional way, you should combine git and ansible and other tools to make your dev environment.