0. Artcile with just links, percona vs oracle vs mariadb, db ratings versions of mysql and why they are inmportant different replication clustering sharding HA, failover, backup, recovery Modern tools for monitoring and graphing - nagios, graophite, graohana, percona, AWS extended, Google Gcp?, datadog Certficiation, with linux certification, AWS, GCP, Python, etc. 1. kcomposer and ispell. [s[ad and download spell chjcker, notepad++ 2. docker and download image, make image, port and dir share, use images, save and make images explain images, sing images, saving images, etc. Explain how to make services. Start services on startup by internal or external. Explain where files are saved and what you want to edit them. 3. Saving sql work in prod. mkdir TICKETS/ mysql -v-v tee logfile use select now(), hostname; source FILE.sql ALso, source file must be approved with exact commands. Must not be copied by windows to Linux. Must be tested and timed. 4. HA -- mysql, mongo, couchbase, AWS RDA Mysql + Aurora, percona and Mariadb Cluster 5. Backups -- all the different ones 6. Load balancer -- different techniques with databases 7. Backups and Restorations for all databases MySQL -- binlogs, GTID, etc. 8. Monitoring -- and AWS charts, and use api 9. Graphing -- and AWS charts, and use api 10. Failovers, server or cluster failover, DR site, distributed site.